Welcome to our contact page!

Here you will find a staff directory and contact information for our dedicated team, our physical address, and our standard gallery hours.

Meet our team.

Our staff is committed to providing you with the best service and is always ready to address your questions and feedback. Your insights are important to us—don’t hesitate to reach out and share your thoughts.

KELSEY MAST | Arts Education & Outreach Manager

kmast@makersparadise.org | (574) 400-3163

CONSUELO TYREEGallery Manager & Assistant Arts & Education Manager 

consuelotyree@icloud.com | (775) 378-6088

HALEY BLAKEMANGallery Associate

hmblake3@gmail.com | (775) 846-5649

JIM WHITE | Facility Manage

jwhite@makersparadise.org | (775) 303-0548

Click or tap the image above to access a PDF document detailing our team’s approach to engaging the arts community. This document features a pictorial directory and email addresses for key operations.

Our physical location and mailing address.

Inside the Reno Public Market

299 E. Plumb Lane | Suite 150/167 | Reno, Nevada 89502

Visit us during standard gallery hours.

Sunday | 11pm - 5pm

Monday | Closed

Tuesday | Closed

Wednesday | 1pm - 7pm

Thursday | 1pm - 7pm 

Friday | 2pm - 8pm

Saturday | 2pm - 8pm  

holiday hours may differ | schedule subject to change from time to time