Makers Paradise Reno Art Collective Rendering

Here is a rendering of Makers Paradise's new art collective in Reno slated to open in August 2021. The Reno Public Market is a 34 million dollar venture and we are excited to be a part of this innovative project. We will have private art studios, community art classrooms and labs with larger studios for programs and organizations. We will also have a large gallery and outdoor patio area for events. Tom Franco and Lawrence Silva are working with the development team to create a wonderful hub for the arts and community. The Reno Public Market will also have a large stage for entertainment, brewery, pop up marketplace and a state of the art food hall. Also, plans include a television station streaming from the public market and unique retail stores and outlets. Here is the link to one of the latest news articles on our art collective: Makers Paradise Reno Art Collective


Reno Art Collective


Art Collective Press Release